With all the new technologies readily available nowadays, it can seem even more overwhelming for the marketing industry. With the increased demand for personalised consumer experiences, especially for brands catered to personal and/or community consumption, going digital does have its perks. The challenges for companies and their brands now are: can you make the move? When do you make that move?
Traditional marketing is limited to TV, print, and radio, whereas Digital marketing allows for a direct response and search through various display channels, such as video, mobile, social networks, and email.
As digital and social media continue to grow in terms of usage and expenditures, our industry has been forced to develop innovative strategies, especially that movements are limited due to the COVID-19 pandemic. One such strategy being maximized today is influencer marketing, which is our specialization at VCM; connects online personas with your brands or services that target audiences trust and engage with regularly.
Digital Marketing allows businesses, especially small businesses to expand more easily while earlier with traditional marketing this was a small possibility.
Obviously knowing where to start is the key to success, especially with digital marketing. Like getting a website, a social media profile, etc. But nailing down those basics are key – especially in terms of your brand’s marketing and your digital know-how. There are a lot of platforms available. By starting small, like planned social media campaigns with endorsements by online influencers, together, aspects of digital marketing like its global reach, lower cost, and measurable results have the potential to add up to more sales for your company or product.
Ready to shift? Let’s grow your business “online” together.
Contact us eavidanes.vcm@gmail.com today.